Tuesday, January 31, 2012

18 yr old girl and suffering from receding hairline??!?

please help!! what FAST AND EFFECTIVE products are there in the mkt that can help to promote hairgrowth again in the receded hairline?? or what home made remedies are there to help promote hairgrowth again???18 yr old girl and suffering from receding hairline??!?
You first need to see a doc to find out why you are losing your hair. There could be a medical reason. A doc may prescribe something to stimulate hair growth. If there is no medical reason try Rogaine for women. Also, stay away from hair products that will clog the hair follicles. You want to stimulate the hair follicles with massage. A baby hair brush works. Just use circular motions with the brush around your hairline.18 yr old girl and suffering from receding hairline??!?
Go to the dermatologist. The doctor can determine what will be most effective for you. I just started using Rogaine. But if it's not showing results in about 4 months, I might need to start taking hormones everyday.

My hair loss at this point isn't too bad, meaning that other people don't notice...yet. But I know I need to start doing something about it now because every woman on my mom's side of the family is going bald (not jut thinning!).
Either Dr. Miracles Temple Balm or any of their products or Doo Gro products will help you. I have tried both and they work.


Looks like you are developing male pattern baldness due to hormonal imbalance. Better to consult a doctor or a good homeopath in your area.

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