Sunday, January 29, 2012

I am a 14 year old male with a receding hairline and thinning hair Help?

My brother has had a receding hairline since 15 and started turning grey at 16, now he is 35 and completely grey and his hairline isn't that bad. There are thickening shampoos and my mom who is a hairdresser recommends rogaine. Also, scalp stimulation helps hair growth, meaning massage your scalp and brush your hair. Also, a short neat haircut hides this the best instead of the grown out trying to hide something look. If all else fails, when you are a little older, shave your head because bald is sexy!I am a 14 year old male with a receding hairline and thinning hair Help?

i hope you don't look like yoda in star wars in a few years time.....I am a 14 year old male with a receding hairline and thinning hair Help?
ha ha baldy alert baldy alert
Are you sure you are having a problem? I wouldn't sweat it. Even if you are losing your hair, it's okay. Most chicks I know seem to like bald men anyway.
Get thee to a doctor postehaste. While this *could* be normal, you could also have issues with nutrition that would cause hair loss. See someone as soon as possible to reverse the process.
dont feel better the same thing is happenening to me. It could be genetics. if your mothers father is bald then you can expect to be to. IF NOT, it could be a bacteria or a rash and you should see a dermatologist. If it is genetic there is rogain and some other things to slow it down. I hope this helps

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