Tuesday, January 31, 2012

I am an 18 year old male. I m worried about my receding hairline. What can I do to stop it?

Nothing, just let nature take it course... Most men start going bald quite early don't worry about itI am an 18 year old male. I m worried about my receding hairline. What can I do to stop it?
unfortunately there is a lot less you can do than you think you can do to stop it.

at best what you can do it, is to slow the receding hairline.

there are a few ways of doing it - - - -

massage hair everyday with fingers, it has a benefit of increasing blood flow to the stem of hair, which means it lasts longer.

take some biotin, it is the same organic material hair is made of, it will reduce the speed of hairloss.

some cosmetic surgery alternative. there are literally hundreds available, you can read about them on the site.I am an 18 year old male. I m worried about my receding hairline. What can I do to stop it?
I'm not really sure what helps stop hair loss to be honest, my hair started to thin so I brushed it a lot thinking it would help. It may have, but I think it is the fact that I stopped eating wheat from china that helped the most (chinese wheat noodles were making mine and my mom's hair fall out so we switched to american wheat) Just be aware of your diet, don't eat a lot of greasy foods like fast foods or fried foods, don't drink excessive alcohol and get regular exercise, drink plenty of water.

I don't think you can really stop it if it is genetic, but you can minimize it and slow it down with things like saw palmetto and Rogaine, and lastly there's always hair transplants where they take hair from a fruitful area of your scalp and surgically implant it where you need it, this of course comes with risks and complications of it's own and you should research the practice as well as your doctor before you decide on it.

Or you can just shave it all off, I plan to do that if I get a bald spot, i'd rather be all skin than patchy
You could shave it all off and go bald, get a toupe (i dnt kno how to spell it lol), use hair color creme/mousse from a hair dept. store, or you could go to a hair salon or doctor and have a consultation done. Another option is to have surgery done for hair implants. But your 18, you're really young. You can find something to do with you hair... for all of that... if it is receiding, get a mohawk. Lol have fun with it!!! Hope I helped (w/ my non spelling behind :)) Good Luck!!
Unfortinatly, you cant do anything about it. But I would recomend you either cut it short or shave it. Its not good to have long comb over hair. In fack these days girls think short hair sexy as long as the person has the confidence to pull it off.
lol, just laugh a bit over it and hope for the future.
http://www.recedinghairline.org/ its a real site.
Its Life, Not 2 Mention Hereditary !
Unfortunately, there is nothing you can do.
just shave it dude bald is in these daysi have no hair problems but ive thought about shaving it bald
Stop jacking off. It makes your hair fall out.
Rogaine. Comes in mousse form, but you may have to have a prescription.

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