Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Ceramic hair flat iron vs non-ceramic: what's the difference.?

...Ceramic hair flat iron vs non-ceramic: what's the difference.?
Ceramic is the new technology. All hair stylist prefer it as it gives better results and makes the hair look shinier. It is also said to cause less damage to the hair because it distributes heat across the hair evenly instead of the heat being concentrated on one area. But of course that doesn't mean it won't cause any damage. But the damage might be less.Ceramic hair flat iron vs non-ceramic: what's the difference.?
ceramic helps keep the moisture out. ceramic are the best straigteners. my mum's a hairdresser and always recommends ceramics, especially GHD's.

louise xoxo

Ceramic flat irons do not damage your hair. non-ceramic really hurt your hair.

Even with a ceramic one you should use heat protectant spray or just shine serum such as ';kenra shine serum, weightless polish';.
ceramic makes your hair shiny and nice and doesn't burn your hair and non makes it burn and it doesn't look as good
ceramics work a lot better!

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