Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Do straightning ceramic flat irons burn your hair?

My parents say I'm not allowed to use a flat iron even if it's ceramic or metal. How can I prove to them ceramic flat irons don't burn your hair and are ok to use?Do straightning ceramic flat irons burn your hair?
My suggestion is to listen to your parents. However, I have had a CHI ceramic iron for more than 2 years and my hair has been the healthiest, considering that I flat iron all of my hair every week once and then touch up every day twice. I can see your parents' concern, but ceramic iron emits ion. So the water molecules get disolved not by heat, but by ion. I use a straightening lotion that protects my hair too. It is called Kiehl's heat protective straightening lotion. Good luck.Do straightning ceramic flat irons burn your hair?
I use a heat lotion from TIGI that makes my hair smell like grape bubble gum! It's fantastic and keeps the burning ';smell'; away.

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they do burn with excessive use. If you use,try not to wash every day. Use product from salon designed to go w/ straighting.
Yes--my 15 year old daughter singed a piece of her hair off using a flat iron last year.
the ceramic ones are the best. the metal irons will burn your hair. If you are worried then use heat protecting products, almost every popular line has them. Tresime has one you just spray on wet hair after you are done using your normal shampoo and conditoner
They claim they don't but they do. Anything with heat can burn out your hair. So be careful with using it.
The will if you leave them on your hair for too long. And if you have hairspray in it will burn badly. If they do let you get a straight iron get a chi. they are the best in the market!!!!
i use a flat iron almost every day, usually on the highest setting. my hair hasn't burned yet and in fact looked very nice today. sometimes it smells like it's been burned, but it looks fine. if you use the right shampoo-conditioner combo, it turns out fine. and besides does your mom use a curling iron? if she does theyre basically the same and if it doesn't burn her hair a ceramic flat iron definetely won't burn yours.
If you use it to much.
yes if it is just ceramic coated...i dont think u should it on more than 350 degrees either
they are better than metal ones..but eventually you'll get addicted to them, and further down the road they will damage your hair..you'll get split ends, and when you wash your hair and let it airdry you'll see the difference. if your gonna use it, dont do it too often. i speak from experience..
Some times it does my friend uses one alot and it burns her sometimes but not all the time
Actually, ceramic is the best to get.
it only gives you spilt ends just get your hair cut regulary [once every three months] %26amp;%26amp; it wont damage your hair
Cermanic straignteners don't burn your hair they might give you split ends but that is nothing a little hair cut can't fix!
Actually my hair has been healthier since I've started using the ceramic flat irons. There is a temperature gage on them that you can set if that helps. I have not burned my hair yet and I keep mine set at 400

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