Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Baldness question concerning receding hairlines.?

How far does your hair have to thin out before it's considered to be a 'receding hairline?' Starting to get some 'widows peak' sort of edges at the side of the forehead, wondering if I'm gonna start to be like baldy?Baldness question concerning receding hairlines.?
Not all men who have receding hairlines go bald. Many men begin to recede, but the ';line'; stops and they get no balder. Others get a bald spot on the top of their head and eventually go bald, while some men get the bald spot but it never gets any larger.Baldness question concerning receding hairlines.?
Alopecia is a common thing among men. Products like Rogaine works with some. But indeed i still believe baldness is hereditary.

I also concerned that tight caps worn excessively on the hairline promote certain baldness. Air should freely pass over your head. It is not just few times wearing caps, but years of continuity will result in same.

Do not worry though, baldness is frequent. You do have doctors that can perform hair transplants if you wish to go that far. Seek a reputable dermatologist or a consulting physician to demote receding hairline. Wish you best!
i guess old baldy is creeping in on you... if you have a thinning crown also you might want to look into rogaine (minoxidil) therapy,,, i have been using it for 13 years now with great success... i have two balding brothers and i am the oldest ;-)
guess you're already there - depending on the perspective of the person judging you...
  • almay
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