Thursday, February 2, 2012

Haircuts and receding hairline?

The corners of my hairline are receding, and I'm only 23. Is this tied to the amount of times I cut my hair?

If I let my hair grow longer and take less haircuts, will this help to slow it down? I usually get it cut once a month.Haircuts and receding hairline?
It's genetics. Cutting hair has nothing to do with it.

Try Rogaine or Proscar. My friend who started balding around 22 swears it works.Haircuts and receding hairline?
Your hair follicles will die depending on your genetics. You can prop them up a little bit with Rogaine, but eventually, if you're destined to lose them, they'll go. You can get some pretty damn realistic plugs put in at some later date when its more of a problem, or you could do just a little bit of them now, to where nobody would notice, and little by little just replace the hair that's going away on its own with the new stuff. Haircuts have nothing to do with your hairs growth/death cycle. And by the way, shaving it off is a good idea - bald is definitely more sexy than almost bald!
What's gonna happen is gonna happen - no matter what. If it is meant to be - just accept the inevitable %26amp; get on with the rest of your life. Life is not always the way it's supposed to be. It's just the way it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference.
if you wera hats then stop wearing them or just try rogaine

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