Friday, February 10, 2012

Help for a receding hairline in a little girl.?

My daughter is 4 years old. She was born with a head of hair then at 2 months went completely bald for a year. Then the hair grew back very strangely. At the top of her head and the back side. I ended up trimming the sides because she looked like Bozo the clown. Her head has since filled in with beautiful curls- except on the front sides, which makes her look like she has a receding hairline. Now, I know its' genetic. It's her dad's hairline. I thought he had a receding hairline when I met him, but I saw a baby picture and it was there. His mother has the same hairline. She has short cropped hair with the sides that go BAAACK. Just like this guy...

My poor little girl! What can I do? I try to do things with her hair but I;m limited, and people are always telling her little sister how pretty her hair is and she doesn;t get complemented, or else it's an afterthought. We're biracial, if that makes any difference.Help for a receding hairline in a little girl.?
There's nothing you can do except wait for the hair to grow, then find a style that suits her. You're focusing too much on this %26amp; your daughter is going to pick up on it. So she has an odd hairline, big deal, teach her to be confident %26amp; don't dwell on it. Just because she has this hairline doesn't mean she won't have pretty hair. Give it time, let the hair grow, %26amp; work with what you got.

Sorry, but pills will not change a person's hairline, that's just how her hair grows.Help for a receding hairline in a little girl.?
It might be Alopecia.

You should take her to the doctor if you haven't already.

you could get her a Lace wig.

you can get them custom fit to fit her head.

and they really do look natural.
i'd ask a hairdresser their opinion first then if she doesn't have any suggestions take ur daughter to the doctor to see if they're are pills or medicine that could help the problem i hope all works in the favor of your little girl
bangs!!!!! cover it all up girl!

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