Thursday, February 2, 2012

Is my receding hairline normal?

Is it normal for a 19 yr old male to have a receding hair line? I have noticed that the sides of my hair have been gradually receding. The front and top look fine, but I just have 2 peaks of missing hair on the sides. Does everyone get this? I don't know anyone in my family that is bald. Even my grandpa has a full set of hair still(kinda thin though).Is my receding hairline normal?
ya its perfectly normal certain people just start receding early and others don't but it could be because of stress tooIs my receding hairline normal?
I went to high school with someone who started to get a receding hairline at age 16. By the time he was 20 he was completely bald on top. He has been shaving his head since then, but now only has to shave the back and sides. He looks much better with the shaved head than he ever did with hair.
  • aveeno cream
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