Thursday, February 2, 2012

Receding hairline! Any way to stop it?

I'm 21 and since 17 I have been noticing my hairline going further and further back. My dad is bald, my mom's dad is too. I wash my hair twice a day because it gets really greasy if I don't - it's perfectly straight everywhere. Anyone know of any good products that they have had good results from? I use Nioxin shampoo and conditioner which is supposed to help keep the hair that I currently still have. What do you think about Nioxin? Would you recommend anything else? Receding hairline! Any way to stop it?
Olive oil daily with vigourous brushing will help stimulate the scalp and keep it healthy. It will also clear the excess sebum and dirt build-up that can clog the follicles over the years. This should be done EVERYDAY!!

You may be washing your hair too much as well, especially if your shampoo has harsh chemicals in it. I heard tha Nioxin is a pretty good shampoo though, so try to do it maybe once a day at the most!

Balding occurs because men of the by product of testosterone called DHT. It builds up in our scalp as we age, resulting in balding. There are a few way to combat this. Propecia is a presciption drug that blocks DHT from building up in the bloodstream and prevents baldness.

I have researched that Saw Palmetto and Betasisterol are natural herbs that have the similar effect to DHT. You can go to GNC or a vitamin store and start taking these supplements as well!!

I have spoken, Ez!

Receding hairline! Any way to stop it?
You could wait until it falls out, then spray glue on your head and add pubic hair shavings. Works for me....funny smell though sometimes.

Seriously though, I did actually start to have that problem when managing Dispatch for a medium sized company when I was 21. Had a team of 8 to direct!. I found out that if you massage and stroke your head regularly, or even better get your GF to do it, this stimulates growth.

Depends on the hereditary genes as well i'm afraid.

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