Thursday, February 2, 2012

Will Rogaine help my receding hairline?

I'm 31 and have always had a thick head of hair, but within the last several months I've begun to notice that my hairline is thinning in the front. I'm worried that it will continue moving back, and I don't want to be bald. It's really kinda freaking me out. Will Rogaine work for this? I don't know what to do...Will Rogaine help my receding hairline?

This product works much better than Rogaine:

I used Rogaine, then I used this. This worked much faster!

Both Saw Palmetto and Nettle Root create a synergistic formulation that work to block DHT in the body. Both inhibit 5-alpha-reductase which contribute to DHT production in the body. Provillus contains Eleuthero and Muria Puama as well, which help feed the body with the necessary nutrition to maintain strong roots and ultimately healthy hair.

It has been reported that the Provillus formula works substantially faster than the other main products on the market. Studies show that Rogaine takes around 4 months to see its full effect and Propecia around 6 months. The results from Provillus are much faster at around 2 months.

-MikeWill Rogaine help my receding hairline?
I don't know if I believe that ';bald is beautiful'; mantra, but I shaved everything to deal with the heat here, and it's nice. Very convenient.

If you want to keep your hair, Rogaine works for receding hairlines, but not for a bald spot in the back. There's also medications you can take.


Oh, and if you use it, use it for the rest of your life. Don't start and stop.
Rogaine does work, but you have to use it forever. It will grow hair back, but if you quit using it, whatever grew back will fall out again. My bf uses the generic rogaine, it's a lot cheaper and works the same. My advice? Don't freak so much. Bald guys are just as sexy as guys with hair. But I understand what you feel, my bf will never believe that, and will fight the bald monster till the day he dies.

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