Friday, February 10, 2012

18 and a receding hairline...?


I have a MASSIVE forehead. Seriously. But er, the hairdresser stated my hairline is receding, in my eyes my hairline has always been like that.

I don't know if I'm balding, the thought scares me so maybe it's denial, but like; my crown hasn't changed, no thin spots and you know, apart from when I comb my hair it doesn't fall out much, maybe about 7 or 8 on the comb, and the same about falls out a day naturally so yeah..

My dad has that v shaped fringe so I just figured mine was the same, and like sure; I have long (scene) hair, when I come out the shower it clumps together and shows the scalp, but when your hair is longish and wet it is supposed to do that, or that's what I thought.

I've had it thinned and razored 3 time in a row and only just decided to grow it back thick again, so it could be thin cos of that right?

If I go bald I know I'll be ugly, most people have the same unfortuant situation so oh well.

But from what I've said do you think it's the start of balding or just a kid worrying too much?18 and a receding hairline...?
My man is REAL sparse on top and has been since his late teens/ early twenties... but to me, he's WAY more attractive than other men with full heads of hair!

You're much more than how much/ little hair you happen to have! Believe me- some woman some day is gonna find you irresistable... if you just concentrate on being the best YOU that you can be! ((^_^))18 and a receding hairline...?
Hard to tell.

There IS a chance that it is merely a maturing hairline, however -- which is the normal recession that almost all males go through between 17-29. It turns your frontal hairline into the characteristic M-shape that you see on people over 30. This slight recession at the corners is not balding.

However, your case seems to be more advanced than the maturing hairline. It still looks thick at the hairline which means it may just be a very sharp hairline and nothing more.

I'd ask a dermatologist just to be sure.

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