Friday, February 10, 2012

Problem with receding hairline?

i started to slick my hair back every now and then when i feel like looking nice. but people have started commenting about me losing hair/having a receding hairline.

i work at night and am only out in the sun maybe an hour a day or sometimes less. i heard the sun is good for your hair. also i wear a hat almost everyday when at work because i wake up, just grab a hat, and go to work. i think when i wear a hat at work and sweat or having it on all night made for bad circulation and hair stopped growing.

if i stop wearing a hat everyday and start going out in the sun more will my hair start to grow back? im only 20 years old. also my dad is bald and there are a good number of bald men on my dads side including my grandpa. but everyone on my moms side has hair.Problem with receding hairline?
You get your hair loss genes from your mother's side. I don't think you have a balding problem, it probably just has to do with the way you have been combing your hair for the last 20 years. I'm not a doctor though, so you should really consult with your physician.

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